

200 Things...Just Kidding

This is my 200th post. Should I do something special? Hmm....good question.

I could list 200 things lists..lists. Like, 200 Things I Do Before Bed, 200 Things That I Have In My Shower, 200 Things I Can Reach From Where I'm Sitting...200 Things I Ate For Breakfast.

I could do that...or I could just do the same old, same old.

I got nothin. I could blog about what everyone else is blogging about, "Who the fuck is Arcade Fire?". But, I wouldn't do that to you my friends. Mainly because I don't really know who they are, only that they did the song for the Where The Wild Things Are trailer (only because Stephanie told me, thanks friend), but I don't really give a shit because that movie is irritating, mainly because that kid is an asshole. Shannon hates it because that one guy has a...ahem...booger hanging out of his nose the "WHOLE EFFING TIME AND WHY DOESN'T SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING!?".

Ooh, or I could blog about Egypt. I'm pretty sure everyone else has that covered though.

How about this, sometimes when I pull up to stop signs I put my car in park for a reason that I don't even know about. Do you do that? No. Yeah, figures.

I have an urge to go shopping. Probably because I'm broke. I have this irresistible urge to buy boots. Except, unless boots go great with mashed potatoes then I'm not getting them. What's that? They go GREAT with mashed potatoes! Right then, consider those babies purchased. "Momma, this beef is like leather."

Wow. This post has absolutely no flow and no consistent topic.

You're welcome.

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I love it when you say things to me that reinforce me positively. So...carry on then, do that thing. Lastly, capital hat!