

Very Important Conversation

I am a fan of The Office. By fan I mean, I can quote every episode and use those quotes in day to day conversation. I also own all of the season on DVD. It also means that I am madly in love with John Krasinski, who isn't? If you're not, then...well...awkward.

He and Emily Blunt exchanged vows this past weeekend, therefore crushing the hearts of millions. I wasn't sure if Morgan had heard the news, so I shared it with him via Blackberry Messenger, here is the conversation.

Amber: Where you aware that John K. and Emily got married???

Morgan: BOO

Amber: I will dress in all black and wail incoherently.

Morgan: As will I.

Amber: Everyone will speak in hushed tones and will let us suffer in painful silence…Does that about cover it?

Morgan: Not even close.

Amber: People will bow down and cry at our feet.

Morgan: Over the top.

Amber: Ugh. Okay…They will scurry away from us as we fling our tearful bodies down walkways and alleys. Am I getting close?

Morgan: Nailed it.

Amber: Fancy Feast!

If you do not get the "Fancy Feast" reference, then you must not be a fan of The Office. Sorry for your loss.

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I love it when you say things to me that reinforce me positively. So...carry on then, do that thing. Lastly, capital hat!